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Valley Driving School Blog

Running Commentary: What Is It & How to Use It

Running commentary is exactly what it sounds like – while you drive, you speak aloud all of your actions and observations as if you were a commentator watching and announcing at a sports game. But instead, it’s just you and the car.

This simple practice can improve your chances of passing your road test, will make you a safe and alert driver, and can even be used by drivers who already have a full-privilege licence. You can do it while alone in the car, or with others!

What is Running Commentary

We define running commentary as an oral description of events, given as they occur. Speaking through every maneuver that you make will open up a new driver’s eyes to see small details happening throughout a drive. The best way to explain running commentary is to show it in use! For example, as a seasoned driver, one could just say, “I’m making a left turn” but when you are using running commentary you would break it down and, instead, say,

“I am going to turn on my left-turn signal and check for nearby pedestrians, cars, and other road users as I approach the intersection. I will enter the intersection because the light is still green and I know I will be able to clear the intersection. There are oncoming cars so I will look for a safe gap in traffic. I will shoulder check left to make sure that there are still no pedestrians, cars, or other road users in my path. I’ll turn my wheel to the left to start my turn and straighten it out as I pull into the lane closest to the centre median.”

Keeping a running commentary makes a driver aware of just how many things there are to look out for when operating a vehicle: pedestrians, merge lanes, upcoming stop signs, and even changing road conditions. It can also help prevent a driver from being distracted – calling attention to potential distractions without having an emotional reaction will begin to desensitize the driver, especially in situations where the driver has a tendency to get nervous.

Not only does running commentary help build confidence, it reinforces best practices behind the wheel, like always shoulder checking, using your turn signal, and following the speed limit. Teaching a driver to constantly scan their surroundings and anticipate what’s to come will also help with planning ahead, lessening the likelihood of a rear-end collision or not seeing a pedestrian that may be waiting to cross the road.

Who Should Use Running Commentary

Running commentary can be especially helpful when learning to drive with a qualified supervisor who may be nervous giving up control of the driver’s seat to a new driver. It can put the supervisor at ease to hear the thoughts and intents of the driver before and during the execution of even simple maneuvers. Running commentary will also clue the supervisor in to anything the new driver may be missing, allowing them to fill in the gaps as things happen and progress.

It’s not just new drivers who can benefit from running commentary. If you’re an experienced driver who always takes the same route, you start to feel like you’re on auto-pilot when you drive. You may even feel like you don’t remember large parts of the journey when you arrive, which can be disconcerting. Next time you’re driving your usual route, try running commentary. You may be surprised by how many things you notice that you haven’t seen before.

Commercial drivers should also make use of running commentary, especially on long routes. By verbalizing your actions and observations, you become more engaged with the task at hand and less likely to lose focus when things start to feel monotonous. Accidents can happen when you least expect them and on “boring” stretches of road – keeping a running commentary will keep you engaged.

Perhaps one of the most important users of the road that should consider employing a running commentary is motorcycle riders. Without the added protection of a car, a motorcycle rider is susceptible to more hazards that can come up quickly. Keeping a running commentary will keep your brain engaged and your response time sharp, keeping an eye out for vehicles pulling out in front of you, loose gravel on the road, a traffic jam ahead, or a stale green light.

Driving in an unfamiliar city is a great time to use running commentary. It can be disorienting to drive in areas with rules that may be unfamiliar to you, or road elements you don’t have in your home area, like bike lanes, one way streets, or traffic circles.


The bottom line is, no driver is too experienced to take advantage of running commentary. So go ahead – talk to yourself! It’ll help you all the way from your initial driver’s exam practice to the first time you take a road trip, or even perhaps that vacation you’ve been meaning to take overseas where they drive on the opposite side of the road. Now there’s a challenge!

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"A special “Thank You” to you. From what I was told, you never let my daughter put her guard down. Good for you.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication you’ve given to my daughter. I will recommend Valley Driving School to as many people as I can.

Again, “Thank You” to everyone. Who knows…maybe my daughter will be back for other types of drivers training ie: motorcycle, standard, or even semi-trucks. Could happen. She ‘loves’ to drive.  

Best regards"



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