BC Highway

Valley Driving School Blog

Hybrid vs Traditional Combustion Engines

Hybrid vehicle technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years thanks in part to highly sensationalized media portrayals and global environmental crises surrounding the oil and gas sectors. Consumers looking to make a positive and eco-friendly impact on the sustainability of environmentally friendly technologies now have different options when purchasing a new vehicle.

Top 8 Tips To Be Successful On Road Test Day

When you receive your Learner’s Licence in British Columbia, you begin to experience greater freedom with the support and guidance of your parents and other qualified drivers. The road test is the big day when you earn your ability to explore the world behind the wheel – independently!

Your Complete Motorcycle First Aid Checklist

Many a parent has spoken the truth to their teenage son or daughter when they first embark on their riding career. It’s a sacred moment when knowledge and wisdom is passed along to the younger generation.

Valley Driving School's Top Cruising Songs

In the car is where everyone and their brother thinks they can sing like Aretha. There’s something about the safety, the isolation, and the feeling of total confidence that our vehicle gives us when the perfect driving song comes through the speakers.

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"A special “Thank You” to you. From what I was told, you never let my daughter put her guard down. Good for you.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication you’ve given to my daughter. I will recommend Valley Driving School to as many people as I can.

Again, “Thank You” to everyone. Who knows…maybe my daughter will be back for other types of drivers training ie: motorcycle, standard, or even semi-trucks. Could happen. She ‘loves’ to drive.  

Best regards"



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