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Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) for Commercial Drivers in Canada

Mandatory Entry Level Training (or MELT for short) is being implemented throughout Canada. In today’s blog post, we will be going over some key points about this new commercial training requirement.

Mandatory Entry Level Training in Canada

While MELT is now a reality in British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba, each province has slightly different requirements for MELT, which we will be going over below.

Mandatory Entry Level Training in Ontario

MELT in Ontario

Ontario was the first to implement mandatory training in July of 2017. Any person looking to obtain a Class A (tractor trailer) licence is required to take at least 103.5 hours of classroom and on-road training before being eligible for a road test.

The MELT program designates 36.5 hours for classroom time, 17 hours for yard training, 32 hours mandatory on-road training and 18 hours off-road training behind the wheel.

Training providers or schools in Ontario are able to set their own costs and programs vary in cost. There are programs from $4900 to $15,000, depending on the school and the experiences provided.

To help off-set some of the costs associated with this training requirement, Ontario does offer funding options. There are government programs available such as Second Career, which helps to cover program costs and living expenses for unemployed and laid-off workers, Workplace Safety Insurance Board, which helps rehabilitate injured workers into a new career, and Ontario Works, which will cover the cost of the program for recipients. There are also programs set up for Aboriginal Band members to help cover costs.

Employers are also able to apply for funding directly to help pay for new employees to get their licenses. This is done through the Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant, and is a great way to hire the employee you want, even if they don’t have the required licence or training time completed.

Mandatory Entry Level Training in SaskatchewanMELT in Saskatchewan

The most recent addition to Mandatory Entry Level Training (March 15th, 2019), Saskatchewan requires a minimum of 121.5 hours of training, including classroom and on-road time for Class 1 (tractor-trailer) learner licence holders. Any person who passed a Class 1 road test prior to the implementation date will be grandfathered in and not required to retest.

If you are looking to move to Saskatchewan, and have already obtained a Class 1 or equivalent licence, there are a few things to keep in mind. Drivers that have already completed the MELT program with another province or have held their Class 1 equivalent for more than two years are able to transfer directly into a Class 1 Saskatchewan licence.

A driver that has held their Class 1 for one year to two years, are able to transfer it up front; however, would be required to take a knowledge test and road test within the year of transfer or the licence would be downgraded to a Class 3 equivalent. Any drivers that have had a Class 1 licence for less than one year, would be transferred to a Class 3 licence, and would then be required to complete the Saskatchewan MELT program to upgrade to a Class 1 again.

Of the 121.5 hours of training required by MELT, 47 hours are designated for classroom time and 17.5 hours of yard training. 

Class 1 training in Saskatchewan will cost between $6,000 and $8,500, and grants may be available to help with the expense. There have been talks of having the training costs covered under the federal student loan program; however, there is no confirmed information at this time.

MELT in Alberta

Effective March 1st, 2019, Alberta now requires 113 hours of training, including classroom and on-road time for Class 1 (tractor trailer) learner licence holders. So far, Alberta is the only province with a mandatory entry level training requirement for Class 2 (bus) licensing, which is for 50 hours of training. Alberta has also instituted training requirements for Class 2-S, which is required to drive a school bus, of 53.5 hours.

Any Class 1 drivers that received their licence in Alberta prior to October 11th, 2018 are not required to retest or take the MELT program. Anyone who received a full Class 1 licence between October 11th, 2018 and February 28th, 2019 will be required to take a knowledge test and road test to keep the licence.

Alberta has followed very closely to Saskatchewan’s model for transferring a licence from another province. Drivers that have already completed the MELT program with another province or have held their Class 1 for more than two years are able to transfer directly into a Class 1 Alberta licence.

A driver that has held their full Class 1 for one year to two years are required to take a knowledge test and road test to receive the licence. If a driver is unsuccessful on their initial attempt, they would be required to take the MELT program. Any drivers that have had a full Class 1 licence for less than one year, are required to complete the MELT program to obtain that Class of licence again.

For a Class 1 licence, 40.5 hours of the MELT program is designated for classroom time, 15.5 hours for yard training, 57 hours of practical training. Alberta does not have an on-road or off-road requirement for behind the wheel training.

The Class 2 licence has 18 hours of designated classroom time, 10.6 hours of yard training, and 21.25 hours for practical training. The Class 2-S has slightly more required training, with 18.5 hours of classroom time, 11 hours of yard time, and 24 hours of practical training.

To help students receive a fair rate for training, Alberta has introduced a cap of $10,000 for the Class 1 MELT program and a cap of $5000 for the Class 2 and 2-S.  Average cost for MELT in Alberta is approximately $8900.


New Information (October 2019)

While the Alberta government recently released some changes to their MELT requirements, allowing school bus drivers and agricultural farmers and farm workers an exemption from taking additional training or testing, they have now taken a step back are reverting to their original outline. This exemption would have applied to Class 2 drivers that only operate school buses and Class 1 drivers that only operate for farming use, and only upon a review of the drivers' history. Drivers with clean driving records (no demerits, violations, or suspensions) wouldn't have had to re-test.

The government had put out a statement, saying that drivers who are eligble for this exemption would have received a letter in the mail before the end of the year, outlining details on the next step. As this is no longer the plan that they are moving forward with, if you receive something in the mail you should contact them directly for specific information regarding your own licence.

Mandatory Entry Level Training in ManitobaMELT in Manitoba

Manitoba has implemented a MELT program on September 1st, 2019. They will require 121.5 hours of training, consisting of 40.5 hours in-class, 40 hours in-yard and 41 hours in-cab.

Any driver that completes the road test and obtains a full Class 1 licence prior to the September 1st implementation date will be able to continue to hold the licence without any additional training or testing.

Uniquely, Manitoba does have a 244-hour Professional Truck Driver Training Course which is offered at private institutes and will be considered equivalent to the MELT program. Students that are making their way through the Professional Truck Driver Training Course will be able to continue their training program and complete their road test after September 1st, 2019.

Out-of-province drivers with a full Class 1 licence can move to Manitoba and transfer their licence without any additional training or testing, as long as they have already completed the Mandatory Entry Level Training in a different province or have held their licence for a minimum of two years. Out-of-province applicants with one to two years of experience will be allowed to write a knowledge test and road test within one year of transferring the licence. Successfully passing both tests will waive the need for any additional training. Any person that has held a Class 1 licence for less than one year will be required to take the MELT program and complete both a knowledge test and road test.

Costs can vary for MELT in Manitoba, with prices ranging from $6,000 to $9,000 depending on the driver training facility.

Mandatory Entry Level Training in BCMELT in British Columbia

New Information (March 31, 2021)

On March 31, 2021, the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and ICBC announced that Mandatory entry-level training (MELT) is being introduced for drivers who wish to obtain a Class 1 commercial BC driver's licence. Drivers will need to successfully complete a MELT course before taking their Class 1 road test.  Much like Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba, British Columbia will now have mandatory training for Class 1 drivers as well. Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) is a new requirement in British Columbia that requires all Class 1 learner's licence holders to have a minimum number of hours of training time (classroom, yard time, on-road time) completed prior to attempting an ICBC road test.  ICBC is the regulatory body for driver training schools and Instructors in B.C. and is consulting with the commercial driving industry, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General to finalize the curriculum.

BC’s program will exceed the minimum requirements set by the National Safety Code Standard for entry-level training of class 1 drivers.  The program will be delivered by licensed driver training schools in BC beginning in early summer 2021. Consultation with the trucking and driver training industries in 2019 has provided valuable input to support the development of BC’s MELT program.  The Class 1 MELT program is being designed to align with the new Standard 16-Class 1 Entry-Level Training framework introduced as part of the National Safety Code in February 2020, and with mandatory Class 1 entry-level training standards in other Canadian jurisdictions.

Legislation to support the introduction of BC's Class 1 MELT program was passed in August 2020 by the Province in Bill 2, the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2020.  MELT for Class 1 driver’s licence applicants will become a prerequisite for Class 1 road testing starting Oct. 18, 2021.  BC's program will include best practices from other Canadian jurisdictions, and emphasize safe operating practices for mountainous geography and diverse driving conditions to ensure commercial drivers are prepared for BC’s highway network and the changing weather patterns encountered in the mountains.

Vist our Class 1 MELT program page regarding Valley Driving School's course or our MELT FAQ page for more information.

Update: Effective October 18, 2021 Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) is now a requirement prior to an ICBC Class 1 road test in British Columbia.


If everything goes according to plan at the federal government level, Mandatory Entry Level Training will be implemented across Canada very soon. Truck drivers keep our world turning by delivering and transporting almost everything that is used on a daily basis. MELT requirements, along with quality truck training, will help to ensure everyone on the road – pedestrians, passengers, and drivers alike, will return safely to their families at the end of the day.

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"A special “Thank You” to you. From what I was told, you never let my daughter put her guard down. Good for you.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication you’ve given to my daughter. I will recommend Valley Driving School to as many people as I can.

Again, “Thank You” to everyone. Who knows…maybe my daughter will be back for other types of drivers training ie: motorcycle, standard, or even semi-trucks. Could happen. She ‘loves’ to drive.  

Best regards"



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